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edizione definitiva per il mitico album dei Japan "Quiet Life" del 1979


Quiet Life BOX SET Deluxe Edition è il cofanetto con la riedizione del mitico album del dicembre del 1979 dei Japan con una riedizione LP in vinile nero da 180 g masterizzato a mezza velocità.

Quiet Life – 3CD+LP deluxe box set


Quiet Life (2020 Remaster)

Fall In Love With Me (2020 Remaster)

Despair (2020 Remaster)

In Vogue (2020 Remaster)

Halloween (2020 Remaster)

All Tomorrows Parties (2020 Remaster)

Alien (2020 Remaster)

The Other Side of Life (2020 Remaster)


1. European Son (Steve Nye 7” Remix 1982)*

2. Life In Tokyo (Steve Nye 7” Special Remix 1982)

3. Quiet Life (Original German 7” Mix 1980)*

4. I Second That Emotion (Steve Nye 7” Remix 1982)*

5. All Tomorrow’s Parties (Steve Nye 7” Remix Version 1983)

6. European Son (John Punter 12” Mix 1980)

7. Life In Tokyo (Steve Nye 12” Special Remix Version 1982)

8. I Second That Emotion (Steve Nye 12” Remix Version 1982)

9. All Tomorrow’s Parties (Steve Nye 12” Remix Version 1983)

10. European Son (Steve Nye 12” Remix Version 1982)

11. Quiet Life (Japanese 7” Mix 1980)* [18/01/21]

12. A Foreign Place

13. All Tomorrow’s Parties (John Punter 7” Mix 1979)

14. Life In Tokyo (Theme Giorgio Moroder Version 1979)*

Live In Japan

15. Deviation (Live In Japan)

16. Obscure Alternatives (Live In Japan)

17. In Vogue (Live In Japan)

18. Sometimes I Feel So Low (Live In Japan)

CD3 – LIVE AT THE BUDOKAN 27/03/1980




Quiet Life*

Fall In Love With Me*


All Tomorrow’s Parties*

Obscure Alternatives*

In Vogue*

Life In Tokyo*


Sometimes I Feel So Low*

Communist China*

Adolescent Sex*

I Second That Emotion*

Automatic Gun*


Side A

1. Quiet Life (2020 Remaster)

2. Fall In Love With Me (2020 Remaster)

3. Despair (2020 Remaster)

4. In Vogue (2020 Remaster)

Side B

1. Halloween (2020 Remaster)

2. All Tomorrows Parties (2020 Remaster)

3. Alien (2020 Remaster)

4. The Other Side of Life (2020 Remaster)

*rare or unreleased


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